How to fix it when the Rails Server is already running, but not where you can find it
Have you ever accidentally closed a terminal tab while the rails server
was still running and weren’t able to find it again?
I’ve done this a couple of times and couldn’t quite find the answer before. This meant the only way out was restarting my machine. Ug. I really dislike doing that. But today, when I overflowed my server stack and accidentally closed the window (yikes), I was able to find an answer – at last!
The sad, sad message when I tried to start rails s
A server is already running. Check /Users/my_computer_name/your_project_location/tmp/pids/
On OSX, you can run this:
sudo lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -P | grep :3000
You’ll either get nothing back (which means no server is running) OR something like this (which is what I got):
ruby 56134 computer_name 11u IPv4 0xe3ccaa0e8651f54d 0t0 TCP :3000 (LISTEN)
Grab that number (in my case 56134) and killll it:
kill -9 56134
this post is brought to you with help from this stackoverflow question