I love having my CI service keep me in line by running a bunch of checks when I push a commit to my GitHub repo. However, sometimes I’d like to run them myself locally before pushing. Currently, I like to run RSpec and my Ruby and CSS linters. To make this easier, I created a script file in my project root directory that will run all of my CI checks for me locally. This is how I did it:

1. Create the script file

From inside the project root folder, create a new folder called script and a file called run_ci_checks

# Example:

In that file, add all of the CI checks you’d like to run. Mine looks like this:


echo '==== RUNNING RSPEC ====='
bundle exec rspec

echo '==== RUNNING RUBOCOP ====='
bundle exec rubocop

echo '==== RUNNING CSS LINT ====='
bundle exec scss-lint app/assets/stylesheets/**.scss

echo 'DONE'

2. Make this file readable from the command line

To make this file readable from the command line, from inside my new /script directory, I ran:

chmod -R 777 ./

You can now run this script from the command line like this:


3. Make an alias

Since my fingers are lazy and don’t like typing, I made an alias for this inside my .bash_profile then ran source ~/.bash_profile so my terminal was up to date:

# open .bash_profile file from the command line with:
open ~/.bash_profile

# then add this line inside the .bash_profile file and save
alias lint='./script/run_ci_checks'

# on the command line, refresh reload the .bash_profile for this terminal session
source ~/.bash_profile

Now I can simply type my lint alias from inside my project root folder and this script will run all of my checks for me.