I have the whitespaces package installed in Atom, which I love because it trims unnecessary trailing whitespaces from the ends of each line. This is fantastic for most file types I encounter. However, it causes problems in slim because sometimes you actually need a trailing whitespace. This is how to disable whitespace trimming for slim files:

Open config.cson via the Atom menu: Atom > Config

You’ll see a bunch of stuff like this:

    enabled: true
    excludeVcsIgnoredPaths: false
    ignoredNames: [
    telemetryConsent: "limited"

At the bottom of the file, outside of the "*" namespace, create a scope of .slim.text and turn off removeTrailingWhitespace inside of it, like this:

    enabled: true

    removeTrailingWhitespace: false

This is super handy, but it doesn’t solve all of the whitespace problems. I may still have to contend with those spaces that happen in empty-lines. To help with that, I set up the ability to toggle the visibility of whitespaces.